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Title: Random Fatigue Analysis of Structural Steel Bars Subjected to Plastic Bending
Authors: GOTO, Hisao
KAMEDA, Hiroyuki
KOIKE, Takeshi
Issue Date: 25-Jul-1977
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 39
Issue: 2
Start page: 270
End page: 284
Abstract: Low-cycle fatigue life of structural steel bars subjected to random plastic flexural deformation is analyzed. Fatigue tests are performed on 100×100 SS41 H bars under constant-amplitude and randomly varying repeated loads. Fatigue life for random loads is estimated by using the linear cumulative damage law. Damage per unit time (or cycle) is predicted by (1) the equivalent amplitude factor and (2) peak-trough and plastic deformation criteria. Estimated results are compared with test results.
Appears in Collections:Vol.39 Part 2

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