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Title: One-Dimensional Transport Calculation of Energy- and Space-Distribution of Neutral Particles in a High Temperature Plasma
Authors: YIP, Hoi-tung
YANO, Shukuro
Issue Date: 10-Mar-1979
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 41
Issue: 1
Start page: 36
End page: 55
Abstract: The transport equation for neutral particles in a high temperature plasma was numerically solved in a one-dimensional phase space. Close correlation has been found between the spectra of the emerging neutral flux and the plasma parameters. The numerical results show that the asymptotic temperature, which is determined from the calculated spectrum of the emerging neutral flux, varies from about 70 % to 95 % of the maximum ion temperature for the realizable plasma conditions. The reflection coefficient of the wall and the profile of the ion temperature of the plasma do not bring any important influence to the spectrum of emerging neutral flux.
Appears in Collections:Vol.41 Part 1

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