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Title: Green's Tensors for Elastic Half-Spaces : An Application of Boundary Integral Equation Method
Authors: KOBAYASHI, Shoichi
Issue Date: 30-Jun-1980
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 42
Issue: 2
Start page: 228
End page: 241
Abstract: The Fourier transform of Green's formula is utilized to obtain analytical solutions for half-space problems in the theory of elasticity. Mindlin's problem and its counterparts in transversely isotropic elastostatics and isotropic steady-state elastodynamics are solved. It is concluded that the present method is general enough to solve all these types of half-space problems. Green's tensors thus obtained may be used effectively as kernel functions of the Boundary Integral Equation Method.
Appears in Collections:Vol.42 Part 2

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