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Title: A CAD Method of Multivariable Control Systems Using Generalized Gershgorin Bands
Authors: ARAKI, Mituhiko
YAMAMOTO, Koichiro
KONDO, Bunji
Issue Date: 31-Mar-1983
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 45
Issue: 1
Start page: 28
End page: 44
Abstract: The design method proposed here is a frequency-domain method and uses a certain class of generalized Gershgorin bands mapped onto the gain-phase plane, which are referred to as the generalized Gershgorin pseudo-bands. The main advantages are that the generalized Gershgorin pseudo-bands have the same width for all loops, that the width of the pseudo-bands is invariant under the changes of the diagonal compensator and under the changes of the unit system at outputs and inputs, that no diagonal dominance is required at high frequencies, and that a quantitative guide line for pseudo-diagonalization is given based on the interaction index which is a satisfactory scalor measure of the cross interaction.
Appears in Collections:Vol.45 Part 1

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