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Title: A Contribution to Constitutive Relation of Cohesive Soil Based on Elasto-Plasticity Theory
Authors: AKAI, Koichi
YANO, Takao
Issue Date: 31-Mar-1985
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 47
Issue: 1
Start page: 58
End page: 68
Abstract: Through a series of drained shear tests tor a low plasticity clay, normally consolidated either isotropically or anisotropically, it is found that there exists a large dependency of distorsional strain on the stress path, and that this gives an influence on the shear behavior of cohesive soils. A set of constitutive relations is proposed, based on the situation of adopting the non-associated flow rule and the double functions for the consolidation and shear processes, separately. The analytical result using the proposed equations can satisfactorily explain the deformation and strength behaviors of soil.
Appears in Collections:Vol.47 Part 1

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