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Title: Vision-based Vehicle Navigation Using the Fluorescent Lamp Array on the Ceiling
Authors: HASHIMOTO, Takeshi
YAMAMOTO, Shigehiro
ASO, Takehiko
ABE, Minoru
Issue Date: 29-Jan-1993
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 55
Issue: 1
Start page: 37
End page: 48
Abstract: In this paper, autonomous navigation based on a TV vision system on board a vehicle is proppsed. Our method is to use fluorescent lamp arrays on the ceiling as a lighthouse for vehicle motion. First, experimental study of vehicle control based on information from photo-sensors, set up on a TV screen, is worked out using an actual size model. Then, numerical simulations for this control scheme are carried out in detail. Moreover, a more vision-based approach is investigated which extracts information aspects from the images of fluorescent lamp arrays to realize more exact motion along the lamp array. Finally, a practical autonomous vehicle which is controlled by a photo-sensor system is constructed and its experimental results are shown.
Appears in Collections:Vol.55 Part 1

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