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タイトル: Orbital-free density functional theory: Differences and similarities between electronic and nuclear systems
著者: Colò, Gianluca
Hagino, Kouichi
著者名の別形: 萩野, 浩一
キーワード: D10 Nuclear many-body theories
D11 Models of nuclear structure
発行日: Oct-2023
出版者: Oxford University Press (OUP)
The Physical Society of Japan
誌名: Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
巻: 2023
号: 10
論文番号: 103D01
抄録: Orbital-free density functional theory (OF-DFT) has been used when studying atoms, molecules, and solids. In nuclear physics, applications of OF-DFT have been quite scarce so far, as DFT has been widely applied to the study of many nuclear properties mostly within the Kohn–Sham (KS) scheme. There are many realizations of nuclear KS-DFT, but computations become very demanding for heavy systems, such as superheavy nuclei and the inner crust of neutron stars, and it is hard to describe exotic nuclear shapes using a finite basis made with a limited number of orbitals. These bottlenecks could, in principle, be overcome by an orbital-free formulation of DFT. This work is a first step towards the realistic application of OF-DFT to nuclei. In particular, we have implemented possible choices for an orbital-free kinetic energy and solved the associated Schrödinger equation either with simple potentials or with simplified nuclear density functionals. While the former choice sheds light on the differences between electronic and nuclear systems, the latter choice allows us to discuss the practical applications to nuclei as well as open questions.
著作権等: © The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Physical Society of Japan.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/286783
DOI(出版社版): 10.1093/ptep/ptad118


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