



検索結果表示: 1-10 / 144.
Relationships between two types of reputational concern and altruistic behavior in daily life
  Kawamura, Yuta; Kusumi, Takashi (2018-01-15)
  Personality and Individual Differences, 121: 19-24
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The integration of audio−tactile information is modulated by multimodal social interaction with physical contact in infancy
  Tanaka, Yukari; Kanakogi, Yasuhiro; Kawasaki, Masahiro; Myowa, Masako (2018-04)
  Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 30: 31-40
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Effect of the COMT Val158Met genotype on lateral prefrontal activations in young children
  Moriguchi, Yusuke; Shinohara, Ikuko (2018-09)
  Developmental Science, 21(5)
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Maternal nurturing experience affects the perception and recognition of adult and infant facial expressions
  Matsunaga, Michiko; Tanaka, Yukari; Myowa, Masako (2018-10-23)
  PLOS ONE, 13(10)
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<報告>公開講座抄録 母子関係と創造性 --ウィニコット理論から「受胎告知」を理解する--
  Jan, Abram; Dalrymple, 規子; 松下, 姫歌; 岡野, 憲一郎 (2018-03-29)
  京都大学大学院教育学研究科附属臨床教育実践研究センター紀要, 21: 69-86
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  千葉, 友里香 (2018-03-29)
  京都大学大学院教育学研究科附属臨床教育実践研究センター紀要, 21: 88-88
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<報告>臨床教育実践研究センター 平成29年度活動報告
  京都大学大学院教育学研究科附属臨床教育実践研究センター紀要, 21: 87-87
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<論文>「聖貧」への憧れ --宮崎安右衛門と「自発的な貧しさ」をめぐる思想--
  伊藤, すみれ (2018-03-17)
  教育・社会・文化 : 研究紀要, 18: 11-26
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Expectations about recipients' prosociality and mental time travel relate to resource allocation in preschoolers.
  Kumaki, Yuto; Moriguchi, Yusuke; Myowa-Yamakoshi, Masako (2018-03-01)
  Journal of experimental child psychology, 167: 278-294
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Genetic and environmental etiology of stability and changes in self-esteem linked to personality: A Japanese twin study
  Shikishima, Chizuru; Hiraishi, Kai; Takahashi, Yusuke; Yamagata, Shinji; Yamaguchi, Susumu; Ando, Juko (2018-01-15)
  Personality and Individual Differences, 121: 140-146
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