



検索結果表示: 1-10 / 12.
Distinct predictive performance of Rac1 and Cdc42 in cell migration.
  Yamao, Masataka; Naoki, Honda; Kunida, Katsuyuki; Aoki, Kazuhiro; Matsuda, Michiyuki; Ishii, Shin (2015-12-04)
  Scientific reports, 5
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Decoding the view expectation during learned maze navigation from human fronto-parietal network
  Shikauchi, Yumi; Ishii, Shin (2015-12-03)
  Scientific Reports, 5
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In vitro reconstitution of a CaMKII memory switch by an NMDA receptor-derived peptide.
  Urakubo, Hidetoshi; Sato, Miharu; Ishii, Shin; Kuroda, Shinya (2014-03-18)
  Biophysical journal, 106(6): 1414-1420
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Robust encoding of scene anticipation during human spatial navigation
  Shikauchi, Yumi; Ishii, Shin (2016-11-22)
  Scientific Reports, 6
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Visual attention model involving feature-based inhibition of return
  Hotta, Shinji; Oba, Shigeyuki; Ishii, Shin (2010-09)
  Artificial Life and Robotics, 15(2): 129-132
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Microscopic image restoration based on tensor factorization of rotated patches
  Kouno, Masayuki; Nakae, Ken; Oba, Shigeyuki; Ishii, Shin (2013-02)
  Artificial Life and Robotics, 17(3-4): 417-425
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Sparse Bayesian learning of filters for efficient image expansion
  Kanemura, Atsunori; Maeda, Shin-ichi; Ishii, Shin (2010-06)
  IEEE transactions on image processing, 19(6): 1480-1490
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Bayesian image superresolution and hidden variable modeling
  Kanemura, Atsunori; Maeda, Shin-ichi; Fukuda, Wataru; Ishii, Shin (2010-02)
  Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 23(1): 116-136
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Reconstruction of spatial thermal gradient encoded in thermosensory neuron AFD in Caenorhabditis elegans
  Tsukada, Yuki; Yamao, Masataka; Naoki, Honda; Shimowada, Tomoyasu; Ohnishi, Noriyuki; Kuhara, Atsushi; Ishii, Shin; Mori, Ikue (2016-03-02)
  Journal of Neuroscience, 36(9): 2571-2581
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Empirical Bayesian significance measure of neuronal spike response
  Oba, Shigeyuki; Nakae, Ken; Ikegaya, Yuji; Aki, Shunsuke; Yoshimoto, Junichiro; Ishii, Shin (2016-05-21)
  BMC Neuroscience, 17
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