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Equatorial Kelvin waves and corresponding tracer oscillations in the lower stratosphere as seen in LIMS data
  Kawamoto, Nozomi; Shiotani, Masato; Gille, John C. (1997-08)
  Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II, 75(4): 763-773
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Low-frequency variations of the zonal mean state of the southern hemisphere troposphere
  Shiotani, Masato (1990-08)
  Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II, 68(4): 461-471
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Annual, quasi-biennial, and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)time-scale variations in equatorial total ozone
  Shiotani, Masato (1992-05-20)
  Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 97(D7): 7625-7633
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Dielectric relaxation dynamics of water and methanol solutions associated with the ionization of N,N-dimethylaniline: Theoretical analyses
  Ando, Koji; Kato, Shigeki (1991-10-15)
  The Journal of Chemical Physics, 95(8): 5966-5982
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Photoinduced intermolecular electron transfer reaction between N,N-dimethylaniline and anthracene in acetonitrile solution: A theoretical study
  Ando, Koji (1994-08-15)
  The Journal of Chemical Physics, 101(4): 2850-2862
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Thermal history of the NE Japan frontal arc since the Late Miocene inferred from vitrinite reflectance
  Yamaji, Atsushi (1994)
  Geofísica Internacional, 33: 45-51
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Scaling properties in large assemblies of simple dynamical units driven by long-wave random forcing
  Kuramoto, Y; Nakao, H (1997-05-26)
  PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 78(21): 4039-4042
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Asymptotic power law of moments in a random multiplicative process with weak additive noise
  Nakao, H (1998-08)
  PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 58(2): 1591-1600
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Anomalous spatio-temporal chaos in a two-dimensional system of nonlocally coupled oscillators
  Nakao, H (1999-12)
  CHAOS, 9(4): 902-909
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Multiaffine chemical turbulence
  Kuramoto, Y; Battogtokh, D; Nakao, H (1998-10-19)
  PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 81(16): 3543-3546
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