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タイトル: Chemical reaction at high temperature and high pressure III : reaction of silicon and phosphorus at high temperature and high pressure
著者: Osugi, Jiro
Namikawa, Ryosuke
Tanaka, Yoshiyuki
著者名の別形: オオスギ, ジロウ
ナミカワ, リョウスケ
タナカ, ヨシユキ
発行日: 30-Oct-1966
出版者: The Physico-Chemical Society of Japan
誌名: The Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan
巻: 36
号: 1
開始ページ: 35
終了ページ: 43
抄録: Several kinds of new high pressure phases in the silicon-phosphorus system have been prepared by direct union of crystalline silicon and red phosphorus under the conditions of temperatures of 1100-1800℃ and pressures of 15-50kb. The high pressure equipments are the piston-cylinder of Bridgman type and the compact cubic anvil. The main reaction process in this system under high pressures has been presumed by means of X-ray diffraction. The effects of temperature, pressure, reaction time and the composition of the reactants on the main reaction process have been investigated. Among the new high pressure phases, a cubic pyrite type silicon diphosphide SiP_2 with a lattice constant of 5, 682 A and a cubic sphalerite (zinc-blende) type silicon monophosphide SiP with a lattice constant of 5.241 A are included. SiP_2 is prepared at 1100-1500℃ under 20-40 kb. SiP may be formed through the following reaction only above about l700℃ under pressure of 40-50kb ; SiP_2→SiP+P. It is one of the characteristics of the silicon-phosphorus system that the reaction is influenced rather sensitively not only by temperature and pressure but also by the composition of reactants and the reaction time.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/46877
出現コレクション:Vol.36 No.1


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