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タイトル: Dielectric-to-metal transitions and superconductivity of new metals (Modern aspects of physical chemistry at high pressure : the 50th commemorative volume)
著者: Yakovlev, E. N.
Vinogradov, B. V.
Stepanov, G. N.
Timofeev, Yu. A.
発行日: 1980
出版者: The Physico-Chemical Society of Japan
誌名: The Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan
巻: 50
開始ページ: 243
終了ページ: 258
抄録: Dielectric-to-metal transformations in solids under high pressure is one of more striking phenomena. The expansion of range of pressure in experiments extends the class of the substances which undergo the dielectric-to-metal transformation at high pressure. At pressures up to 200 kbar the dielectric-to-metal transitions of some elements (Ge, Si, P, Se, Te) and compounds (InSb, InAs, AISb, ZnS etc.) have been discovered. For the transformation to a metallic state of wider class of substances the new high pressure apparatus and methods of investigation are needed.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/47095


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