



検索結果表示: 1-6 / 6.
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Will it be possible to generate kidney tissue from induced pluripotent stem cells for regenerative therapy?
  Osafune, Kenji (2014-01)
  Regenerative medicine, 9(1): 9-12
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Using hidden Markov models to investigate G-quadruplex motifs in genomic sequences.
  Yano, Masato; Kato, Yuki (2014)
  BMC genomics, 15 Suppl 9
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Rise of iPSCs as a cell source for adoptive immunotherapy.
  Minagawa, Atsutaka; Kaneko, Shin (2014-04)
  Human cell, 27(2): 47-50
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Handling incidental findings in neuroimaging research in Japan: current state of research facilities and attitudes of investigators and the general population.
  Fujita, Misao; Hayashi, Yoshinori; Tashiro, Shimon; Takashima, Kyoko; Nakazawa, Eisuke; Akabayashi, Akira (2014-10-06)
  Health research policy and systems, 12
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Focal Transplantation of Human iPSC-Derived Glial-Rich Neural Progenitors Improves Lifespan of ALS Mice
  Kondo, Takayuki; Funayama, Misato; Tsukita, Kayoko; Hotta, Akitsu; Yasuda, Akimasa; Nori, Satoshi; Kaneko, Shinjiro; Nakamura, Masaya; Takahashi, Ryosuke; Okano, Hideyuki; Yamanaka, Shinya; Inoue, Haruhisa (2014-06)
  Stem Cell Reports, 3(2): 242-249
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A novel efficient feeder-free culture system for the derivation of human induced pluripotent stem cells
  Nakagawa, Masato; Taniguchi, Yukimasa; Senda, Sho; Takizawa, Nanako; Ichisaka, Tomoko; Asano, Kanako; Morizane, Asuka; Doi, Daisuke; Takahashi, Jun; Nishizawa, Masatoshi; Yoshida, Yoshinori; Toyoda, Taro; Osafune, Kenji; Sekiguchi, Kiyotoshi; Yamanaka, Shinya (2014-01-08)
  Scientific Reports, 4
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