


検索結果表示: 41-50 / 203.
Finding Witnesses for Stability in the Hospitals/Residents Problem
  Lee, Minseon; Miyazaki, Shuichi; Iwama, Kazuo (2015-03-15)
  Journal of Information Processing, 23(2): 202-209
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Office365 Educationの本質: ソフトウェア, システム運用, サポート体制の観点から
  上田, 浩 (2015-07-31)
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大学の情報システムを認証から俯瞰する: 情報サービスを「こわれもの」にしないために
  上田, 浩 (2015-07-29)
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Office365 Educationの真実:カイゼンの裏にあるもの
  上田, 浩; 石井, 良和; 外村, 孝一郎; 植木, 徹 (2015-05-15)
  情報処理学会研究報告[教育学習支援情報システム], 2015-CLE-16(9): 1-8
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A Traceable and Pseudonymous P2P Information Distribution System
  Tsujio, Naoki; Okabe, Yasuo (2015)
  2015 IEEE 39th Annual International Computers, Software & Applications Conference Workshops: 67-72
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  上田, 浩; 喜多, 一; 森, 幹彦; 石井, 良和; 外村, 孝一郎; 植木, 徹; 上原, 哲太郎 (2012-12-18)
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  上田, 浩; 中村, 素典; 西村, 健; 古村, 隆明; 岡部, 寿男; 曽根, 秀昭; ベアリー, キース; 牧原, 功; 久米原, 栄 (2012-12-18)
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Design and Implementation of Web Forward Proxy with Shibboleth Authentication
  KOMURA, Takaaki; SANO, Hiroaki; DEMIZU, Noritoshi; MAKIMURA, Ken (2011-07-21)
  11th Annual International Symposium on Applications and the Internet, SAINT 2011, Munich, Germany, 18-21 July, 2011, Proceedings: 321-326
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A Multi-model SVR Approach to Estimating the CEFR Proficiency Level of Grammar Item Features
  Flanagan, Brendan; Hirokawa, Sachio; Kaneko, Emiko; Izumi, Emi; Ogata, Hiroaki (2017-07)
  2017 6th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI): 521-526
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Visualization of JOV abstracts
  Koyamada, Koji; Onoue, Yosuke; Kioka, Miki; Uetsuji, Tomoya; Baba, Kazutaka (2018-04-01)
  Journal of Visualization, 21(2): 309-319
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