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Some Chemical Observation on a Natural Graft-Wood of Japanese Cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa ENDL.) and Sawara Cypress (Chamaecyparis pisifera SIEB. et ZUCC.)
  SATO, Akira; KITAMURA, Teruko; HIGUCHI, Takayoshi (1970-12-19)
  Wood research : bulletin of the Wood Research Institute Kyoto University, 50: 12-18
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Some Properties of O-Methyltransferase from Bamboo Shoot
  SHIMADA, Mikio; HIGUCHI, Takayoshi (1970-12-19)
  Wood research : bulletin of the Wood Research Institute Kyoto University, 50: 19-28
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The Dielectric Properties of Wood IV : On Dielectric Dispersions of Oven-dried Wood
  NORIMOTO, Misato; YAMADA, Tadashi (1970-12-19)
  Wood research : bulletin of the Wood Research Institute Kyoto University, 50: 36-49
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Isolation of Pterocarpanoid Compounds as Heartwood Constituents of Maackia amurensis RUPR. et MAXIM, var. Buergeri SCHNEID
  MAEKAWA, Eichi; KITAO, Koichiro (1970-12-19)
  Wood research : bulletin of the Wood Research Institute Kyoto University, 50: 29-35
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Formation of Perforation Plates and Bordered Pits in Differentiating Vessel Elements
  YATA, Shigeki; ITOH, Takao; KISHIMA, Tsuneo (1970-12-19)
  Wood research : bulletin of the Wood Research Institute Kyoto University, 50: 1-11
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  Wood research : bulletin of the Wood Research Institute Kyoto University, 50
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  山田, 正; 角谷, 和男; 則元, 京; 野村, 隆哉; 佐々木, 徹; 長谷川, 庸作; 大釜, 敏正; 岡, 康寛; 金川, 靖 (1970-03)
  木材研究 : 京都大學木材研究所報告, 49: 31-57
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  木材研究 : 京都大學木材研究所報告, 49: 58-58
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リグノスルホン酸とメタクリル酸メチルのレドックス開始グラフト共重合 : Iグラフトポリマーの調製とキャラクタリゼーション
  南, 正院; 越島, 哲夫; 満久, 崇麿; 村木, 永之介; 田中, 竜太郎 (1970-03)
  木材研究 : 京都大學木材研究所報告, 49: 18-30
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  長谷川, 庸作; 山田, 正; 角谷, 和男 (1970-03)
  木材研究 : 京都大學木材研究所報告, 49: 1-17
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