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Results 1-10 of 794 (Search time: 0.019 seconds).
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The effect of Katsura-uri (Japanese pickling melon, Cucumis melo var. conomon) and its derived ingredient methylthioacetic acid on energy metabolism during aerobic exercise
  Aoi, Wataru; Takeda, Kazuya; Sasaki, Azusa; Hasegawa, Yuki; Nakamura, Yasushi; Park, Eun Young; Sato, Kenji; Iwasa, Masayo; Nakayama, Airi; Minamikawa, Mizuki; Kobayashi, Yukiko; Shirota, Koji; Suetome, Noboru (2015-12-27)
  SpringerPlus, 4
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Stability verification of the effects of stem determination and earliness of flowering on green stem disorder of soybean against genetic background and environment
  Fujii, Kenichiro; Kato, Shin; Sayama, Takashi; Tanaka, Yu; Nakazaki, Tetsuya; Ishimoto, Masao; Shiraiwa, Tatsuhiko (2015-01)
  Plant Production Science, 18: 166-179
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Rural Class Structure and Transitions in Family Farming: What Do the Moderate Prosperity Households in Rural Itasy (Madagascar) Tell Us?
  ANDRIANAMPIARIVO, Tsiry (2017-03-15)
  The Natural Resource Economics Review, special: 1-13
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The Impacts of Migration and Remittances on School Attainment of Children in Rural Cambodia
  FUKUI, Seiichi; LUCH, Likanan (2017-03-25)
  生物資源経済研究, 22: 41-60
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  生物資源経済研究, 22
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先進的農業経営体における経営資源と経営戦略 --地域・農協との連携に焦点を当てて--
  小田, 滋晃; 坂本, 清彦; 川﨑, 訓昭 (2017-03-25)
  生物資源経済研究, 22: 99-112
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「新常態」に入った中国の農産物貿易の新動向 --迫りつつある輸入農産物の脅威にどう対処すべきなのか--
  沈, 金虎 (2017-03-25)
  生物資源経済研究, 22: 13-40
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Application of overall dynamic body acceleration as a proxy for estimating the energy expenditure of grazing farm animals: relationship with heart rate.
  Miwa, Masafumi; Oishi, Kazato; Nakagawa, Yasuhiro; Maeno, Hiromichi; Anzai, Hiroki; Kumagai, Hajime; Okano, Kanji; Tobioka, Hisaya; Hirooka, Hiroyuki (2015-06-01)
  PLOS ONE, 10(6)
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Absence of a gene encoding cytosine deaminase in the genome of the agaricomycete Coprinopsis cinerea enables simple marker recycling through 5-fluorocytosine counterselection.
  Nakazawa, Takehito; Honda, Yoichi (2015-08)
  FEMS microbiology letters, 362(15)
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Improved and large-scale synthesis of 10-methyl-aplog-1, a potential lead for an anticancer drug
  Kikumori, Masayuki; Yanagita, Ryo C.; Irie, Kazuhiro (2014-12)
  Tetrahedron, 70(52): 9776-9782
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