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Numerical Optimization Methods based on Discrete Structure for Text Summarization and Relational Learning
  Nishino, Masaaki (2014-09-24)
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Anchoring Events to the Time Axis toward Storyline Construction
  Sakaguchi, Tomohiro (2019-03-25)
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Neural Approaches for Syntactic and Semantic Analysis
  Kurita, Shuhei (2019-03-25)
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Event Centric Approaches in Natural Language Processing
  Huang, Yin Jou (2021-07-26)
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Advancing Dialogue Systems through Corpus Construction Focusing on User Internal States and External Knowledge
  Kodama, Takashi (2024-03-25)
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Studies on Data-Driven Discourse Relation Recognition toward Natural Language Understanding
  Ohmura, Kazumasa (2024-03-25)
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