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タイトル: 生涯学習社会における高等学校の有効活用に関する一考察 : 人的資源の活用に焦点をあてて
その他のタイトル: A discussion regarding the effective utilization of high schools in a society of lifelong learning : Focusing on the utilization of human resources
著者: 鈴木, 真一  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: SUZUKI, Shinichi
発行日: 31-Mar-2007
出版者: 京都大学教育行政学研究室
誌名: 教育行財政論叢
巻: 10
開始ページ: 45
終了ページ: 67
抄録: This study, which looked at the role of high schools in regards to a society of lifelong learning, examined the subject from the perspective of the utilization of human resources. The purpose of this research is noted in the following two points: 1 Consideration of the necessity, usefulness, and significance of the utilization of the human resources in a high school. 2 Pointing out the problems that may arise in the actual execution of such a plan and considering a scheme in which the human resources found in a high school may be utilized effectively. The assessment of the situation was made based upon the answers received from research questionnaires and door-to-door surveys conducted in various fields. Regarding the first point, the majority of people take a positive perspective. As a result of the effective use of a high school's human resources, cooperation among communities can be strengthened, the surrounding communities can better understand the schools, and other various merits were indicated. In at least 31 prefectures (66% of all prefectures) school staff at prefectural high schools, conduct open classes for the people living in the community, clearly indicating that communities are already actively utilizing the available human resources. Concerning the second point, the largest problem is the awareness and understanding among the schools and government regarding the utilization of human resources. If the correlation to students' education is not made clear, it is impossible to gain understanding in these busy arenas. Also, the issues of safety management and budget have been raised. The keys to effective utilization are "awareness and understanding" and "cooperation and information sharing" Parents and those living in the community participating in the management of the schools through the growth of School Management Associations, a flexible operation that allows the general population of the community to attend lectures through a system of auditing classes, and lifelong learning becoming a part of the school's division of duties or club activities are all concrete measures that can be taken toward this end.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/66991


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