
志岐 常正   140

文献一覧(発行日の降順ソート): 81 - 100 / 140
第24章 若狭湾 (日本全国沿岸海洋誌)
  志岐, 常正 (1985-07)
  日本全国沿岸海洋誌 (1985): 947-957
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細粒タービダイト, およびこれに伴う半遠洋性堆積物: 堆積構造, 組成, 堆積機構などに関する2・3の知見と討論(予報) <特集号 細粒砕屑性堆積物とその堆積機構>
  山崎, 貞治; 志岐, 常正 (1985-04)
  堆積学研究会報, 22-23: 39-49
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Reexamination of the "Phosphate Rocks" collected from the Northwestern Part of the Philippine Sea --with Special Reference to the Samples obtained by GDP Cruises (1972-1977)-- (Part II. Studies on Basement Rocks)
  MUSASHINO, Makoto; SHIKI, Tsunemasa (1985)
  Geology of the Northern Philippine Sea: Geological Results of the GDP Cruises of Japan (1985): 79-82
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Data Listing of the Bottom Materials Dredged and Cored from the Northern Philippine Sea (Part II. Studies on Basement Rocks)
  SHIKI, Tsunemasa; MIZUNO, Atsuyuki; KOBAYASHI, Kazuo (1985)
  Geology of the Northern Philippine Sea: Geological Results of the GDP Cruises of Japan (1985): 23-41
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Fundamental Problems in the Future Studies of the Philippine Sea (Part VIII. General Discussion)
  SHIKI, Tsunemasa; UYEDA, Seiya (1985)
  Geology of the Northern Philippine Sea: Geological Results of the GDP Cruises of Japan (1985): 281-286
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Outline of the Cruise GDP-8 (Part I. Outlines of the Geological Research Operations)
  KOBAYASHI, Kazuo; SHIKI, Tsunemasa (1985)
  Geology of the Northern Philippine Sea: Geological Results of the GDP Cruises of Japan (1985): 3-6
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Outline of the Cruises GDP-11, -15, -21, and -24 (Part I. Outlines of the Geological Research Operations)
  SHIKI, Tsunemasa (1985)
  Geology of the Northern Philippine Sea: Geological Results of the GDP Cruises of Japan (1985): 7-17
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Short Description of GDP-1, GDP-3 and -14 Cruises (Part I. Outlines of the Geological Research Operations)
  SHIKI, Tsunemasa (1985)
  Geology of the Northern Philippine Sea: Geological Results of the GDP Cruises of Japan (1985): 18-19
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  SHIKI, Tsunemasa (1985)
  Geology of the Northern Philippine Sea: Geological Results of the GDP Cruises of Japan (1985): iv-vi
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Further Geological Problems concerning the Northwestern Philippine Sea (Part VIII. General Discussion)
  SHIKI, Tsunemasa (1985)
  Geology of the Northern Philippine Sea: Geological Results of the GDP Cruises of Japan (1985): 270-280
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I 人間生存条件の危機 : その本質と構造
  志岐, 常正 (1984-03)
  人間生存の危機 : 地球史の中で考える (1984): 1-25
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第1章 砕屑性堆積物の研究課題 (堆積物の研究法 : 礫岩・砂岩・泥岩)
  志岐, 常正 (1983-07)
  堆積物の研究法 : 礫岩・砂岩・泥岩. 砕屑性堆積物研究会編. 地学団体研究会, 1983, (地学双書,24).
九章: 小豆島の土石流災害
  池田, 碩; 志岐, 常正 (1982-09-20)
  現代の災害 (1982): 183-198
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日本列島の基盤問題--島孤前縁帯海底地質学の視点から (続・日本列島の基盤)
  志岐, 常正 (1982-04)
  地質学論集, 21: 297-307
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地球のテクトニクス研究の現状と方向 --プレート・テクトニクスをめぐって-- (特集: 80年代における地球科学の展望)
  志岐, 常正 (1980-09-01)
  日本の科学者, 15(9): 460-468
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  志岐, 常正; 三沢, 良文 (1979-07-25)
  地球科學, 33(4): 208-224
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  公文, 富士夫; 池田, 碩; 天野, 滋; 志岐, 常正; 飯田, 義正 (1979-01-25)
  地球科學, 33(1): 26-42
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The Daito Ridge Group and the Kyushu-Palau Ridge : With Special Reference to the Tectonics of the Philippine Sea
  SHIKI, Tsunemasa; MISAWA, Yoshibumi; KONDA, Isao (1979)
  Journal of Physics of the Earth, 27(suppl): S113-S124
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京都府の特異な地形地質 : 地質編
  志岐, 常正; 石田, 志朗 (1978-03)
  自然環境保全基礎調査報告書, 1978: 1-16
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Geology and geohistory of the northwestern Philippine Sea, with special reference to the results of the recent Japanese research cruises
  Shiki, Tsunemasa; Misawa, Yoshibumi; Konda, Isao; Nishimura, Akira (1977-08)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University. Series of geology and mineralogy, 44(1): 67-78
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文献一覧(発行日の降順ソート): 81 - 100 / 140