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Adsorption Isotherm for the Heterogeneous Surface. (I)
  Umeda, Shōji; Teranishi, Shiichirō; Tarama, Kimio (1954-05-31)
  Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, 32(3): 109-125
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Reactions of Ketene with Phenol, Resorcine, Phloroglucine and Dimedone
  Nodzu, Ryuzaburo; Isoshima, Toshizo (1954-05-31)
  Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, 32(3): 139-140
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A Molecular Theory of Detonation Velocity in Gaseous and Solid Explosives
  Goto, Rempei; Hirai, Nishio (1954-05-31)
  Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, 32(3): 126-133
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Reaction of Ketene with Ethyl Acetoacetate in the Presence of Pyridine
  Isoshima, Toshizo (1954-05-31)
  Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, 32(3): 140-142
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On the Build-up Mechanism of the Microwave Gas Breakdown
  Mitani, Kenji (1954-05-31)
  Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, 32(3): 134-138
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Cover & Contents
  Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, 32(3)
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