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Title: Epitaxial Growth of Lead Chalcogenides on Tin Telluride (001) (Commemoration Issue Dedicated to Professor Ken-ichi Katayama On the Occasion of His Retirement)
Authors: Fujiwara, Shinsuke
Tsuji, Masahiro
Fujii, Yoshikazu
Suzuki, Yasufumi
Kimura, Kenji
Mannami, Michi-hiko
Author's alias: 藤原, 伸介
辻, 雅裕
藤居, 義和
鈴木, 康文
木村, 健二
万波, 通彦
Issue Date: 14-Sep-1991
Publisher: Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University
Journal title: Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University
Volume: 69
Issue: 2
Start page: 59
End page: 66
Appears in Collections:Vol.69 No.2

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