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タイトル: Typical formal groups in complex cobordism and K-theory
著者: Araki, Shôrô
著者名の別形: 荒木, 捷郎
キーワード: Commutative rings
Power series
Cobordism theory
発行日: 1973
出版者: Kinokuniya
誌名: Lectures in Mathematics
巻: 6
目次: Introduction
Part I.
§1. Formal groups. [1]
§2. Modules of curves. [6]
§3. Typical curves and formal groups. [19]
§4. Universal typical formal groups. [26]
§5. Quillen decomposition. [36]
§6. Generators of U*(pt) and BP*(pt). [52]
§7. Operations in Brown-Peterson cohomology. [57]
Part II.
§8. Typical formal groups in complex K-theory. [65]
§9. Adams decompositions and typical formal groups. [70]
§10. Coefficients of curves. [81]
§11. Stong-Hattori Theorem. [88]
§12. Conner-Floyd Theorem. [96]
References. [100]
記述: Errata slip inserted ; Bibliography: p. 100-101
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/84911
出現コレクション:Lectures in Mathematics : Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University


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