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Title: A differential geometric study on strongly pseudo-convex manifolds
Authors: Tanaka, Noboru
Keywords: Geometry
Complex manifolds
Issue Date: 1975
Publisher: Kinokuniya
Journal title: Lectures in Mathematics
Volume: 9
Table of contents: Introduction [1]
Preliminary remarks [8]
I. Strongly pseudo-convex manifolds
§1. Partially complex manifolds [10]
§2. Strongly pseudo-convex manifolds [22]
§3. The canonical affine connections of strongly pseudo-convex manifolds [28]
§4. The canonical connections of holomorphic vector bundles [37]
II. The harmonic theory on strongly-convex manifolds
§5. The Laplacian [43]
§6. The harmonic theory for the complex {C^q(M, E),■_E} [52]
§7. The cohomology groups H^<p,q>(M) [58]
§8. The cohomology groups H^<k-1,1>_*(M) and H^k_0(M) [64]
§9. Differentiable families of compact strongly pseudo-convex manifolds [72]
§10. Strongly pseudo-convex manifolds and isolated singular points [82]
III. Normal strongly pseudo-convex manifolds
§11. Normal strongly pseudo-convex manifolds [93]
§12. The double complex {B^<p,q>(M), ∂,■} [105]
§13. Reduction theorems for the cohomology groups H^<p,q>_<(λ)>(M) and H^k_0(M) [121]
Linear differential systems [139]
Appears in Collections:Lectures in Mathematics : Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University

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