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Primate models of interference control
  Watanabe, Kei; Funahashi, Shintaro (2015-02)
  Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 1: 9-16
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A dual-task paradigm for behavioral and neurobiological studies in nonhuman primates.
  Watanabe, Kei; Funahashi, Shintaro (2015-03-10)
  Journal of neuroscience methods, 246: 1-12
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Neural mechanisms of dual-task interference and cognitive capacity limitation in the prefrontal cortex.
  Watanabe, Kei; Funahashi, Shintaro (2014-03-02)
  Nature neuroscience
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Toward an understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying dual-task performance: Contribution of comparative approaches using animal models
  Watanabe, Kei; Funahashi, Shintaro (2018-01)
  Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 84: 12-28
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