


検索結果表示: 1-10 / 130.
Non-contact respiratory measurement in a horse in standing position using millimeter-wave array radar
  MATSUMOTO, Takuya; OKUMURA, Shigeaki; HIRATA, Satoshi (2022)
  Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 84(10): 1340-1344
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Early social rearing, the V1A arginine vasopressin receptor genotype, and autistic traits in chimpanzees
  Weiss, Alexander; Wilson, Vanessa A. D.; Hopkins, William D. (2021-09)
  Autism Research, 14(9): 1843-1853
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Mother–calf interactions and social behavior development in Commerson’s dolphins (Cephalorhynchus commersonii)
  Sakai, Mai; Morisaka, Tadamichi; Iwasaki, Mari; Yoshida, Yayoi; Wakabayashi, Ikuo; Seko, Atsushi; Kasamatsu, Masahiko; Kohshima, Shiro (2013-09)
  Journal of Ethology, 31(3): 305-313
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Urinary creatinine varies with microenvironment and sex in hibernating Greater Horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) in Korea
  Ryu, Heungjin; Kinoshita, Kodzue; Joo, Sungbae; Kim, Sun-Sook (2021-05-04)
  BMC Ecology and Evolution, 21
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How social relationships of female giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi) change after calving
  Saito, Miho; Idani, Gen'ichi (2016-06)
  African Journal of Ecology, 54(2): 242-244
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Androgen receptor gene polymorphism in zebra species
  Ito, Hideyuki; Langenhorst, Tanya; Ogden, Rob; Inoue-Murayama, Miho (2015-09)
  Meta gene, 5: 120-123
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An observation of a severely disabled infant chimpanzee in the wild and her interactions with her mother
  Matsumoto, Takuya; Itoh, Noriko; Inoue, Sana; Nakamura, Michio (2016-01)
  Primates, 57(1): 3-7
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Aquatic adaptation and the evolution of smell and taste in whales
  Kishida, Takushi; Thewissen, JGM; Hayakawa, Takashi; Imai, Hiroo; Agata, Kiyokazu (2015-12)
  Zoological Letters, 1
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Dog Stick Chewing: An Overlooked Instance of Tool Use?
  Brooks, James; Yamamoto, Shinya (2021-01)
  Frontiers in Psychology, 11
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Analysis of hair cortisol levels in captive chimpanzees: Effect of various methods on cortisol stability and variability
  Yamanashi, Yumi; Teramoto, Migaku; Morimura, Naruki; Hirata, Satoshi; Suzuki, Juri; Hayashi, Misato; Kinoshita, Kodzue; Murayama, Miho; Idani, Gen'ichi (2016)
  MethodsX, 3: 110-117
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