



検索結果表示: 41-46 / 46.
インドネシアスマトラ東岸における杭上住居のメンテナンス --木杭の追加に関する一考察--
  鈴木, 遙 (2019-07-31)
  東南アジア研究, 57(1): 56-82
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<Articles>Independent Woman in Postcolonial Indonesia: Rereading the Works of Rukiah
  Wirawan, Yerry (2018-04)
  Southeast Asian Studies, 7(1): 85-101
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Estimating and examining the sensitivity of different vegetation indices to fractions of vegetation cover at different scaling Grids for Early Stage Acacia Plantation Forests Using a Fixed-Wing UAS
  Iizuka, Kotaro; Kato, Tsuyoshi; Silsigia, Sisva; Soufiningrum, Yuni, Alifia; Kozan, Osamu (2019-8-3)
  Remote Sensing, 11(15)
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From Water Buffaloes to Motorcycles: The Development of Large-scale Industrial Estates and Their Socio-spatial Impact on the Surrounding Villages in Karawang Regency, West Java
  ARAI, Kenichiro (2011-09-30)
  東南アジア研究, 49(2): 161-191
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A Comparative Study of Filipino and Indonesian Candidates for Registered Nurse and Certified Care Worker Coming to Japan under Economic Partnership Agreements: An Analysis of the Results of Questionnaire Surveys on the Socioeconomic Attribution of the Respondents and Their Motivation to Work in Japan
  HIRANO, O. Yuko; OGAWA, Reiko; OHNO, Shun (2012-03)
  東南アジア研究, 49(4): 594-610
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インドネシア経済史におけるバクリグループの合理性 --金融自由化の進展と政治コネクションの変容による作用--
  小西, 鉄 (2016-07-31)
  東南アジア研究, 54(1): 67-92
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