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  泌尿器科紀要, 58(8): 405-408
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Giant renal angiomyolipoma with an uncommon growth pattern: a case report
  Gohji, Kazuo; Gotoh, Akinobu; Kamidono, Sadao (1990-07)
  泌尿器科紀要, 36(7): 837-840
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  泌尿器科紀要, 50(10): 741-744
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副腎嚢腫の2例 画像診断の意義について
  伊藤, 哲之; 藤元, 博行; 大西, 裕之; 荒井, 陽一; 西村, 一男; 西尾, 恭規; 竹内, 秀雄; 吉田, 修 (1989-07)
  泌尿器科紀要, 35(7): 1161-1166
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R&D Progress of HTS Magnet Project for Ultrahigh-field MRI
  Tosaka, Taizo; Miyazaki, Hiroshi; Iwai, Sadanori; Otani, Yasumi; Takahashi, Masahiko; Tasaki, Kenji; Nomura, Shunji; Kurusu, Tsutomu; Ueda, Hiroshi; Noguchi, So; Ishiyama, Atsushi; Urayama, Shinichi; Fukuyama, Hidenao (2016)
  Physics Procedia, 81: 145-148
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Diagnostic performance of MR imaging findings and quantitative values in the differentiation of seromucinous borderline tumour from endometriosis-related malignant ovarian tumour
  Kurata, Yasuhisa (2018-03-26)
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Comparison of PET/CT with sequential PET/MRI using an MR-compatible mobile PET system
  Ryusuke, Nakamoto (2018-03-26)
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Case of a miniature dachshund with a primitive neuroectodermal tumor confined to the forebrain region treated with a combination of surgery and chemotherapy
  NAKAMOTO, Yuya; YAMADA, Akihiko; UCHIDA, Kazuyuki; MATSUNAGA, Satoru; OZAWA, Tsuyoshi (2016)
  Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 78(11): 1703-1707
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Project Overview of HTS Magnet for Ultra-high-field MRI System
  Tosaka, Taizo; Miyazaki, Hiroshi; Iwai, Sadanori; Otani, Yasumi; Takahashi, Masahiko; Tasaki, Kenji; Nomura, Shunji; Kurusu, Tsutomu; Ueda, Hiroshi; Noguchi, So; Ishiyama, Atsushi; Urayama, Shinichi; Fukuyama, Hidenao (2015)
  Physics Procedia, 65: 217-220
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  池田, 純一; 村上, 彰悟; 河, 源; 渋谷, 信介 (2019-03-31)
  泌尿器科紀要, 65(3): 69-73
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