



検索結果表示: 1-10 / 45.
A Multi-model SVR Approach to Estimating the CEFR Proficiency Level of Grammar Item Features
  Flanagan, Brendan; Hirokawa, Sachio; Kaneko, Emiko; Izumi, Emi; Ogata, Hiroaki (2017-07)
  2017 6th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI): 521-526
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Vocabulary Learning Support System based on Automatic Image Captioning Technology
  Hasnine, Mohammad Nehal; Flanagan, Brendan; Akcapinar, Gokhan; Ogata, Hiroaki; Mouri, Kousuke; Uosaki, Noriko (2019)
  Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions (LNCS, volume 11587): 346-358
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A Platform for Image Recommendation in Foreign Word Learning
  Hasnine, Mohammad Nehal; Flanagan, Brendan; Ishikawa, Masatoshi; Ogata, Hiroaki; Mouri, Kousuke; Kaneko, Keiichi (2019-03)
  Companion Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK'19): 187-188
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Seamless Collaborative Learning Method to Learn Business Japanese with eBook and Chat System
  Uosaki, Noriko; Mouri, Kousuke; Suzuki, Fumiya; Hasnine, Mohammad Nehal; Yonekawa, Takahiro; Yin, Chengjiu; Ogata, Hiroaki (2019)
  Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions (LNCS, volume 11587): 442-458
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Extensive Reading Using an E-Book System and Online Forum
  Nishioka, Chifumi; Ogata, Hiroaki (2021-04)
  Companion Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK21): 139-141
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Version Control for The Continuity of Learning Footprints Across Versions within E-Book Reader
  Yang, Ching-Yuan; Flanagan, Brendan; Ogata, Hiroaki (2018-03-13)
  IPSJ Technical Report, 2018-CLE-24(1): 1-7
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Analytics of Open-Book Exams with Interaction Traces in a Humanities Course
  MAJUMDAR, Rwitajit; BAKILAPADAVU, Geetha; LI, Jiayu; CHEN, Mei-Rong Alice; FLANAGAN, Brendan; OGATA, Hiroaki (2021-11-22)
  ICCE 2021 : 29th International Conference on Computers in Education Conference Proceedings Volume I: 352-361
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  山田, 政寛; 大久保, 文哉; 谷口, 雄太; 毛利, 考佑; 島田, 敬士; 大井, 京; 緒方, 広明; 井上, 功一; 木實, 新一 (2017-08)
  教育システム情報学会第42回全国大会講演予稿集: 149-150
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Learning false friends across contexts
  Abou-Khalil, Victoria; Brendan; Flanagan; Ogata, Hiroaki (2018)
  Companion Proceedings 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK18)
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Learning Analytics to Share and Reuse Authentic Learning Experiences in a Seamless Learning Environment
  Hasnine, Mohammad Nehal; Ogata, Hiroaki; Akçapınar, Gökhan; Mouri, Kousuke; Uosaki, Noriko (2019-03)
  Companion Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK'19): 398-407
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