


検索結果表示: 1-10 / 11.
  山敷, 庸亮; 寶, 馨; 中北, 英一; 加藤, 真人 (2010-06-01)
  京都大学防災研究所年報. B, 53(B): 123-128
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Influence of the Ane River Basin on Dissolved Oxygen Concentration of Lake Biwa: Sensitivity Study of the Biwa-3D model
  CHAFFE, Pedro Luiz Borges; YAMASHIKI, Yosuke; TAKARA, Kaoru; KATO, Masato; IWAKI, Maho (2010-06-01)
  京都大学防災研究所年報. B, 53(B): 91-96
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  田中, 里志; 田中, 淳; 山崎, 博史; 成田, 耕一郎; 橘, 徹; 金沢, 淳; 前島, 渉; 志岐, 常正 (1998-07-25)
  地球科學, 52(4): 262-274
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宇治川における過去半世紀の水文水質特性とトビケラ現存量の変遷 : トビケラ大発生に関わる環境要因の探究
  小林, 草平; 竹門, 康弘 (2014-06)
  京都大学防災研究所年報. B, 57(B): 561-569
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近代大津の「遊覧都市」建設と都市計画 --湖岸埋立と湖岸逍遙道路整備を中心に--
  山口, 敬太; 田中, 倫希; 川崎, 雅史 (2015)
  土木学会論文集D2(土木史), 71(1): 39-54
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水郷集落における文化的景観の持続性 -伊庭における水路網の復元と水利用の変容-
  沢, 一馬; 山口, 敬太; 久保田, 善明; 川崎, 雅史 (2013)
  土木学会論文集 D1, 69(1): 42-53
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Growth and mortality of bacterial subgroups with different types of respiratory quinone in Lake Biwa
  Takasu, Hiroyuki (2013-05-23)
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Environmental chemistry of rivers and lakes. Part IX. Variations in the total-nitrogen and -phosphorus concentration and their compositions in the last 12 years in Lake Biwa, Japan.
  SHRIVASTAVA, Asheesh; TAKAHASHI, Hiroki; SUGIYAMA, Masahito; HORI, Toshitaka (2010-12-20)
  人間・環境学, 19: 1-9
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The origin, history and mitogenome evolution of fishes in Lake Biwa
  Tabata, Ryouichi (2016-03-23)
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Bacterial Dynamics in Lake Biwa: from the viewpoints of the interaction with dissolved organic matter and viruses
  Shang, Shen (2020-03-23)
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