ブラウズ : 著者 Takagi, Toshiyuki

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検索結果表示: 1 - 6 / 6
Fluorous Property of a Short Perfluoroalkyl-Containing Compound Realized by Self-Assembled Monolayer Technique on a Silicon Substrate
  Kise, Ryuma; Fukumi, Aki; Shioya, Nobutaka; Shimoaka, Takafumi; Sonoyama, Masashi; Amii, Hideki; Takagi, Toshiyuki; Kanamori, Toshiyuki; Eda, Kazuo; Hasegawa, Takeshi (2019-01-19)
  Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 92(4): 785-789
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An Origin of Complicated Infrared Spectra of Perfluoroalkyl Compounds Involving a Normal Alkyl Group
  Hasegawa, Takeshi; Shimoaka, Takafumi; Tanaka, Yuki; Shioya, Nobutaka; Morita, Kohei; Sonoyama, Masashi; Amii, Hideki; Takagi, Toshiyuki; Kanamori, Toshiyuki (2015-06)
  Chemistry Letters, 44(6): 834-836
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Studies on breeding of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae for effective macroalgae utilization based on the metabolism of marine bacterium
  Takagi, Toshiyuki (2017-03-23)
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Study of Perfluoroalkyl Chain-Specific Band Shift in Infrared Spectra on the Chain Length
  Shimoaka, Takafumi; Sonoyama, Masashi; Amii, Hideki; Takagi, Toshiyuki; Kanamori, Toshiyuki; Hasegawa, Takeshi (2017-11-09)
  The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 121(44): 8425-8431
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Surface properties of a single perfluoroalkyl group on water surfaces studied by surface potential measurements
  Shimoaka, Takafumi; Tanaka, Yuki; Shioya, Nobutaka; Morita, Kohei; Sonoyama, Masashi; Amii, Hideki; Takagi, Toshiyuki; Kanamori, Toshiyuki; Hasegawa, Takeshi (2016-12-01)
  Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 483: 353-359
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A Zeaxanthin-Producing Bacterium Isolated from the Algal Phycosphere Protects Coral Endosymbionts from Environmental Stress
  Motone, Keisuke; Takagi, Toshiyuki; Aburaya, Shunsuke; Miura, Natsuko; Aoki, Wataru; Ueda, Mitsuyoshi (2020-01-21)
  mBio, 11
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