ブラウズ : 分類 007

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検索結果表示: 270 - 289 / 1093 < 前ページ   次ページ >
GIS-based Intelligent Assistant Agent for Supporting Decisions of Incident Commander in Disaster Response
  Nourjou, Reza (2014-03-24)
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GLOBE: Data-Driven Support for Group Learning
  Liang, Changhao (2023-09-25)
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Goal-oriented Modeling for Data-driven Decision Making
  Tanimoto, Akira (2021-09-24)
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GPS/RFIDによる漁船操業の自動モニタリングシステムの開発とその応用に関する研究 : 東京湾のあなご筒漁業をモデルケースとして
  内田, 圭一 (2005-09-26)
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GPU Computing Aiming at Vortex Filament Evolution
  Lee, Yu-Hsun (2021-09-24)
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Graph Algorithmic Approaches for Structure Inferences in Bioinformatics
  Tamura, Takeyuki (2006-03-23)
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Gray-box modeling and model-based control of Czochralski process producing 300 mm diameter Silicon ingots
  Kato, Shota (2022-03-23)
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A hierarchical neural network model of object recognition and mental rotation
  Efremova, Natalia (2012-03-26)
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Hierarchical Visual Representation Shared Across Individuals
  Ho, Jun Kai (2023-09-25)
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Hierarchically organized dictionary of Japanese functional expressions : design, compilation and application
  Matsuyoshi, Suguru (2008-03-24)
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High Fidelity and Versatile Visualization of 3D Video
  Takai, Takeshi (2005-03-23)
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High speed computational modeling in the application of UWB signals
  Costen, Fumie (2005-03-23)
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High-performance 3-D imaging algorithms for UWB pulse radars
  Kidera, Shouhei (2007-09-25)
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High-quality Knowledge Acquisition of Predicate-argument Structures for Syntactic and Semantic Analysis
  Jin, Gongye (2016-03-23)
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Highly efficient data transmission schemes for integrated-media systems
  Kawazoe, Katsuhiko (2009-09-24)
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History-related Knowledge Extraction from Temporal Text Collections
  Duan, Yijun (2020-03-23)
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Human Imaging and Identification Algorithms with UWB Doppler Radar Interferometry
  Saho, Kenji (2013-03-25)
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Hybridization of System Dynamics and Individual-Based Modelling as Solution to Modelling Issues in Ecology
  Christian Vincenot (2011-09-26)
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  内山, 宏樹 (2012-01-23)
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Identification and Analysis of Critical Sites in RNA/Protein Sequences and Biological Networks
  Bao, Yu (2018-09-25)
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