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Pass-Through, Welfare, and Incidence under Imperfect Competition
  Adachi, Takanori; Fabinger, Michal (2022-07)
  Journal of Public Economics, 211
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<研究ノート>起業家と研究者の関わり合い --起業家研究の方法としての二人称的アプローチと共愉的な道具--
  伊藤, 智明; 福本, 俊樹 (2021-07)
  企業家研究, 18: 23-40
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Platform Oligopoly with Endogenous Homing: Implications for Mergers and Free Entry
  Adachi, Takanori; Sato, Susumu; Tremblay, Mark J. (2023-12)
  Journal of Industrial Economics, 71(4): 1203-1232
Differences in the organizational-commitment–rewards relationship between Chinese managers and Japanese expatriates in manufacturing companies in China
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  Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship, 11(3): 315-334
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Performative Achievement of Routine Recognizability: An Analysis of Order Taking Routines at Sushi Bars
  Yamauchi, Yutaka; Hiramoto, Takeshi (2020-12)
  Journal of Management Studies, 57(8): 1610-1642
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  鉄川, 弘樹; 山内, 裕 (2020)
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Identifying Macro Phases Across the Negotiation Lifecycle
  Baber, William W. (2018-12)
  Group Decision and Negotiation, 27(6): 885-903
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Cournot Platform Competition with Mixed-Homing
  Tremblay, Mark; Adachi, Takanori; Sato, Susmu (2023-12)
  International Journal of Industrial Organization, 91
Approaching or avoiding? Mechanisms of host-country language proficiency in affecting virtual work adaptivity during COVID-19
  Liu, Ting; Shen, Ya Xi; Zhao, Sijia; Sekiguchi, Tomoki (2023)
  The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 34(21): 4046-4073
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