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タイトル: フリッツ・イェーデの青少年音楽学校構想 -シャルロッテンブルク青少年音楽学校におけるカリキュラムの検討-
その他のタイトル: Plan for a Youth Music School by Fritz Jöde: An Examination of the Charlottenburg Youth Music School Curriculum
著者: 小山, 英恵  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: KOYAMA, Hanae
発行日: 28-Mar-2013
出版者: 京都大学大学院教育学研究科
誌名: 京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要
巻: 59
開始ページ: 597
終了ページ: 609
抄録: This paper examines the curriculum for the Charlottenburg Youth Music School in Berlin, which was founded by Fritz Jöde's conception in 1923. Jöde was a music teacher and he is known as the initiator of the German Youth Music Movement. The Charlottenburg Youth Music School aimed to revive everyone's participation in musical activities expressive of a sense of community or "Leben(life)" as inner "lebendig(liveliness)". With this goal in mind, Jöde asserted that the Youth Music School should be affiliated to the Academy for Church and School Music, where future musicians and music teachers were trained, and he gave a chance to children from all strata of society to enroll this school. The school curriculum consisted of two sections-music lessons and extra-lesson activities. With regard to the features of the Charlottenburg Youth Music School curriculum, two stood out in particular. The first was the manner in which all lessons were taught through lively musical activities with the connection between people, like anti-intellectualism education that contrasts theoretical teaching, but is systematic at the same time. The integration of these two dimensions lent originality to the music lessons by Jöde. The second was the fact that the curriculum not only included music lessons, but also extra-lesson activities. Because this school not only aimed to improve musical abilities, but also nurture inwardness such a sense of community or "Leben" as inner "lebendig" though music, Jöde integrated these two components into the curriculums. In addition, though it is close to the extra-subject curriculum, the inwardness was always nurtured through musical activities.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/173221


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