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タイトル: ブータン・ヒマラヤにおける生業様式の垂直構造
その他のタイトル: Vertically Organized Structure of Subsistence Economies in Bhutan
著者: 月原, 敏博  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Tsukihara, Toshohiro
発行日: 17-May-1992
出版者: 京都大学ヒマラヤ研究会
誌名: ヒマラヤ学誌
巻: 3
開始ページ: 133
終了ページ: 176
抄録: ヒマラヤ南面の諸地域を, 垂直かつ南北に切って相互に比較することは, 文化地理学的ヒマラヤ研究における基本作業であるが, 事例の集積や初歩的な比較整理自体が, 決して十分でない. 本稿は, ブータン西半部における生業様式の垂直的概観を試み, 高度差の大きい季節移住様式の重要性を指摘するが, 情報は断片的であり, 初歩的なまとめの段階を越えない. ブータン再訪を期したいが, 未発表の旧稿に加筆した程度でこれを発表することにしたのは, まだ類似の報告例がなく, また本誌1, 2号に述べてきた論旨との関連が深いためである. 本稿を, ブータンの特徴を把握し, かっヒマラヤ南面地域の, 経済・社会の垂直構造を比較整理するための, 小さな一歩としておきたい.
Based on field-observation done along with climbing and trekking activities (Kyoto University Bhutan Himalaya Expedition 1983-1985), vertical structure of subsistence economies in Bhutan were analysed and comparared with other Himalayas. At least, three altitudinal zones are distinguishable according to the height of main village. These could be named "Yak zone" (3600-4100m.), "Middle zone" (2500-2900m.), and "Rice zone" (below 2500m.). In Bhutan general, development of commerce and cash economy is still limited. Almost no "Bhutanese" family in local villages live exlusively on the income from trading business. Most of exchange for necessary living-goods are done without cash. Barter trade between "Nep" (business friend) still plays very important role in local trade. That kind of trade is not visible in "bazar". The most significant characteristic of Bhutan's vertical economies is the seasonal migration of the people of "Central Valleys". All of these main valleys in Bhutan's Midlands, ex. Ha, Paro, Thimpu(-Punakha), and Bumthang(-Tongsa), belongs to either "Middle zone" or "Rice zone". Though most of the people in these valleys are not pastoralists but farmers, many of them have second or third house at lower part of the "Rice zone". They shift there in winter months, often with cattles. Purpose of this seasonal migration are various. Though not all the family are engaging in Cattletranshumance, many have cultivated-fields together with second or third house. In these cases, they are utilizing very wide range of altitude, which is much wider than that utilised by the people of the "Yak zone", or by the people of the lower part of the "Rice zone". Rich family has even Yak herd together with cattle herd. Then, the people of "Central Valleys" have less necessity for seasonal trading activity with other ecological zones. We can easily find highland element (ex. Yak, Yak butter, Yak wool, etc.) and lowland element (ex. Rice, Cattle, etc.) in these valleys. Considering altitudinal width of production range and non specialization to commerce or other economic divisions, such environmental use is rare in Himalayas in spatial scale and integration of economic divisions. These characteristic represents economic advancement of Bhutan's Midlands. And also, it might hint economic back ground for the power which "Central Valleys" had in Bhutanese History.
DOI: 10.14989/HSM.3.133
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/185548


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