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タイトル: Validity of Pressure-Velocity Correction Algorithm (C-HSMAC method) for Incompressible Fluids with Passive Scalar Convection
著者: Ushijima, S.
Tanaka, H.
Toriu, D.
著者名の別形: 牛島, 省
鳥生, 大祐
キーワード: Incompressible fluid
Velocity divergence
Pressure-velocity correction
C-HSMAC method
Passive scalar convection
発行日: 2019
出版者: Japan Society for Simulation Technology
誌名: Journal of Advanced Simulation in Science and Engineering
巻: 6
号: 1
開始ページ: 260
終了ページ: 272
抄録: In the computations of incompressible fluids, it is essentially important to obtain accurately the velocity components that satisfy the incompressible condition (∇・u = 0) as well as the pressure variables which are consistent with the velocity fields. For this purpose, a pressure-velocity correction method (C-HSMAC method) has been proposed by Ushijima et al. (2002) with a finite volume method (FVM) for incompressible fluids. The purpose of this paper is to estimate the effects of the unsatisfied incompressible condition on the passive scalar convection and to confirm that the C-HSMAC method is able to suppress them. The C-HSMAC and usual SMAC methods were applied to the passive scalar convection in the cavity having an oscillating top wall. It was concluded that the unsatisfied incompressible condition may cause the unphysical scalar overshoots in the SMAC method. In contrast, the C-HSMAC method enables us to control |∇・u| with the given threshold ϵD and to suppress such overshoots. In addition, it was demonstrated that the C-HSMAC method allows us to obtain reasonable results without overshoots even in combination with a higher-order scheme for convection terms with finer cell divisions.
著作権等: © 2019 Japan Society for Simulation Technology
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/245371
DOI(出版社版): 10.15748/jasse.6.260


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