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タイトル: 学習成果とその可視化
その他のタイトル: Making Learning Outcomes Visible
著者: 松下, 佳代  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2665-6978 (unconfirmed)
著者名の別形: MATSUSHITA, Kayo
発行日: 31-Jul-2017
出版者: 日本高等教育学会
誌名: 高等教育研究
巻: 20
開始ページ: 93
終了ページ: 112
抄録: 本稿の目的は,学習成果とその可視化について近年の動向をレビューし,論点を整理することにある.まず,学習成果を,①目標と評価対象,②直接的と間接的,③機関横断的・機関・プログラム・科目の各レベル,という3つの観点から捉えた.次に,この学習成果の多面性と関連づけながら,可視化の方法とツールを直接評価と間接評価,量的評価と質的評価の二軸で分類し,それぞれの特徴を明らかにした.さらに,こうした学習成果の可視化がもたらす第二次の可視化の例として,付加価値分析による大学の教育力の可視化と,メタ分析による効果的な教育方法の可視化を挙げた.最後に,学習成果の可視化の孕む問題として,数値化可能な学習成果への切り詰め,評価から目標への浸食,多様性の喪失,評価負担の大きさの4点を提示した.The purpose of this paper is to review recent research trends within the broad theme of "making learning outcomes visible" and to present the most pertinent issues in an organized form. First, we define the learning outcomes from three perspectives: (a)intended and achieved; (b)direct and indirect; (c)cross-institutional, institutional, program, and course levels. On the basis of the conceptual multiplicity of learning outcomes, we have classified the methods and tools used to make learning outcomes visible into four types grouped along two axes, direct and indirect assessments as well as quantitative and qualitative assessments, and clarify the characteristics of each type. Furthermore, by means of a value-added analysis of the quality of education and a meta-analysis of increasing the visibility of effective teaching, we give specific illustrations of how "second-order visibility" is generated by application of the concept of making learning outcomes visible. Finally, we point out four potential risks which are inseparably inherent in our study theme: the reduction of learning outcomes to quantifiable aspects only, the erosion of goals by assessments, a loss of diversity, and a heavy assessment load.
記述: 特集 高等教育研究のニューフロンティア
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/245549
DOI(出版社版): 10.32116/jaher.20.0_93


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