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タイトル: <研究論文>大学経済学専門科目の「大人数講義型授業」における「アクティブ・ラーニング型授業」導入効果の検証
その他のタイトル: <Research Papers>Evaluation of Incorporating Active Learning Style into a Large-Enrollment Lecture-Based University Economics Class
著者: 佐藤, 智彦  KAKEN_name
三田地, 真実  KAKEN_name
岡田, 徹太郎  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Sato, Tomohiko
Mitachi, Mami
Okada, Tetsutaro
キーワード: アクティブ・ラーニング型授業
Active learning style class
Large-enrollment class
Class management
Reaction paper
発行日: 1-Dec-2019
出版者: 京都大学高等教育研究開発推進センター
誌名: 京都大学高等教育研究
巻: 25
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 12
抄録: [背景]A大学経済学専門科目「経済政策Ⅱ」(計14回)は、2015年度まで14年間続いていた(a)「講義型授業」から、2017年度よりファシリテーションの技術を活用したアクティブ・ラーニング(AL)型授業を組み入れた(b)「講義+AL型授業」に移行した。[目的]同科目の大人数講義型授業にAL型授業を導入した教育的効果とその意義を明らかにする。[方法](a)/(b)(2015/2017年度、登録者200/297名)の科目最終成績(記述統計)と最終回講義のリアクションペーパー(RP)の内容(テキスト分析)を後方視的に比較した。[結果]学期末試験の多肢選択式問題(2か年で同一の10問)では、(b)の学生の正答率が有意に高かった。(b)では最終成績(100点満点)が70点以上の学生の割合が有意に高く、その成績(グループワーク(GW)10点、RP10点、筆記試験80点で評価)は、筆記試験だけでなく、RP評価点とGW参加回数とも有意に相関した。(a)のRPは講義内容の記述が中心であったが、(b)のRPではAL型授業への言及も多く見られた。(b)は「授業に参加させる工夫」という点で学生から高い評価を得た。[結論]講義+AL型授業は、最終成績だけでなく、授業に対する学生の積極性にも正の影響を及ぼした。大人数クラスの講義+AL型授業の中で教員と学生の生産的なやり取りを生み出すことで、それを基盤としてGWでの学生同士の相互作用や学生の学修行動が促進されると考えられた。そして、AL型授業を効果的に導入するためには、教員がファシリテーションの技術を活用して積極的に授業マネジメントを行うことが重要である。
[Background] Active learning (AL) style with multiple facilitation techniques has recently been adopted in a large-enrollment economics major class at the University A, where the course (a total of 14 lessons) had been provided in a traditional one-way lecturing style for 14 years. [Purpose] This study aimed to clarify the educational effects and the significance of incorporating AL style into a large-enrollment lecture-based class. [Methods] A total of 200 and 297 students were enrolled in an economics course at the University A in fiscal years (FYs) 2015 and 2017, respectively. Course scores and reaction papers of those two populations were retrospectively compared using descriptive statistics and text analysis. [Results] The students in the "lecturing plus AL style" class had significantly higher scores on multiple choice questions of the final exam than those in the lecturing style class. The number of students whose course scores were over 70 out of 100 points was significantly higher in the "lecturing plus AL style" class than their counterparts. Course scores in FY 2017, in which 10, 10 and 80 points were for group work, reaction paper and written exam, respectively, were significantly correlated not only with written exam scores but also with scores of group work and reaction papers. Text analysis of reaction papers revealed that students in the "lecturing plus AL style" class were impressed by both the teaching style and the course contents while students in the lecturing style class described mostly what they thought about the economic issues they had studied. The students who participated in the "lecturing plus AL style" class highly rated the course, especially in terms of its design to promote students' engagement. [Conclusion] The "lecturing plus AL style" positively affected not only students' course scores but also their attitudes to the class. Our data suggest that making a productive interchange between the instructor and students in AL style-incorporated large-enrollment class could facilitate mutual interactions among students engaging in group work as well as students' learning. For effective incorporation of AL style, it is crucial that instructors are actively engaged in class management by applying facilitation techniques.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/245591


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