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タイトル: | Computation of weighted Bergman inner products on bounded symmetric domains and Parseval-Plancherel-type formulas for ($Sp$($r$, $mathbb{R}$), $Sp$($r'$, $mathbb{R}$)$times$$Sp$($r''$, $mathbb{R}$)) (Various Issues on Representation Theory and Related Topics) |
著者: | Nakahama, Ryosuke |
著者名の別形: | 中濱, 良祐 |
発行日: | Nov-2022 |
出版者: | 京都大学数理解析研究所 |
誌名: | 数理解析研究所講究録 |
巻: | 2234 |
開始ページ: | 110 |
終了ページ: | 124 |
抄録: | Let (G, G') = (G, (G[δ]⁻)₀ ) be a symmetric pair of holomorphic type, and we consider a pair of Hermitian symmetric spaces D' = G'/K' ⊂ D = G/K, realized as bounded symmetric domains in complex vector spaces P₁⁺ := (p⁺)[δ] ⊂ p⁺ respectively. Then the universal covering group G~ of G acts unitarily on the weighted Bergman space H[λ](D) ⊂ O(D) = O[λ](D) on D for sufficiently large λ. Its restriction to the subgroup G~' decomposes discretely and multiplicity-freely, and its branching law is given explicitly by Hua-Kostant-SchmidKobayashi's formula in terms of the K~'-decomposition of the space P(p₂⁺) of polynomials onp₂⁺ := (p⁺)⁻[δ] ⊂ p⁺. Our goal is to understand the decomposition of the restriction H[λ](D)|[G~'] by studying the weighted Bergman inner product on each K~'-type in P(p₂⁺) ⊂ H[λ](D). In this article we mainly deal with the symmetric pair (G, G') = (Sp(r, ℝ), Sp(r', ℝ) x Sp(r'', ℝ)). |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/2433/282927 |
出現コレクション: | 2234 表現論とその周辺分野における諸問題 |
