


検索結果表示: 1-10 / 281.
Joint Cognition: Thought contagion and the consequences of cooperation when Sharing the Task of Random Sequence Generation
  Towse, John Nicholas; Towse, Andrea Sarah; Saito, Satoru; Maehara, Yukio; Miyake, Akira (2016-03-15)
  PLOS ONE, 11(3)
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Development of a support group using a virtual space for cancer patients
  Kusumi, Takashi; Ogura, Kanayo; Miura, Asako (2014-10-24)
  International Journal of Web Based Communities, 10(4): 445-465
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  楠見, 孝 (2014-12)
  組織科学, 48(2): 6-15
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The Power of an Infant's Smile: Maternal Physiological Responses to Infant Emotional Expressions
  Mizugaki, Sanae; Maehara, Yukio; Okanoya, Kazuo; Myowa-Yamakoshi, Masako (2015-06-11)
  PLOS ONE, 10(6)
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Developmental Trajectories of Social Skills during Early Childhood and Links to Parenting Practices in a Japanese Sample.
  Takahashi, Yusuke; Okada, Kensuke; Hoshino, Takahiro; Anme, Tokie (2015-08-12)
  PLOS ONE, 10(8)
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Long-term phonological knowledge supports serial ordering in working memory.
  Nakayama, Masataka; Tanida, Yuki; Saito, Satoru (2015-09)
  Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition, 41(5): 1570-1578
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Maintenance of auditory-nonverbal information in working memory.
  Soemer, Alexander; Saito, Satoru (2015-12)
  Psychonomic bulletin & review, 22(6): 1777-1783
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Imaginary agents exist perceptually for children but not for adults
  Moriguchi, Yusuke; Kanakogi, Yasuhiro; Okumura, Yuko; Shinohara, Ikuko; Itakura, Shoji; Shimojo, Shinsuke (2019)
  Palgrave Communications, 5
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大学初任教員の授業実践の変化と授業に対する信念の影響関係 --アクティブラーニング導入を目的としたプレFDの参加者に対する追跡調査--
  香西, 佳美; 田口, 真奈 (2022)
  日本教育工学会論文誌, 46(2): 363-376
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The Influence of Cognitive Load on Empathy and Intention in Response to Infant Crying
  Hiraoka, Daiki; Nomura, Michio (2016-06-16)
  Scientific Reports, 6
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