



検索結果表示: 1-10 / 14.
Observation of spin-exchange dynamics between itinerant and localized ¹⁷¹Yb atoms
  Ono, Koki; Amano, Yoshiki; Higomoto, Toshiya; Saito, Yugo; Takahashi, Yoshiro (2021-04)
  Physical Review A, 103(4)
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Flat-band-induced non-Fermi-liquid behavior of multicomponent fermions
  Kumar, Pramod; Peotta, Sebastiano; Takasu, Yosuke; Takahashi, Yoshiro; Törmä, Päivi (2021-03)
  Physical Review A, 103(3)
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SU(3) truncated Wigner approximation for strongly interacting Bose gases
  Nagao, Kazuma; Takasu, Yosuke; Takahashi, Yoshiro; Danshita, Ippei (2021-11)
  Physical Review Research, 3(4)
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Observation of spin-space quantum transport induced by an atomic quantum point contact
  Ono, Koki; Higomoto, Toshiya; Saito, Yugo; Uchino, Shun; Nishida, Yusuke; Takahashi, Yoshiro (2021)
  Nature Communications, 12
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Spatial adiabatic passage of massive quantum particles in an optical Lieb lattice
  Taie, Shintaro; Ichinose, Tomohiro; Ozawa, Hideki; Takahashi, Yoshiro (2020-01-17)
  Nature Communications, 11
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Ultracold collisions in the Yb-Li mixture system
  Schäfer, Florian; Konishi, Hideki; Bouscal, Adrien; Yagami, Tomoya; Frye, D. Matthew; Hutson, M. Jeremy; Takahashi, Yoshiro (2020-06-11)
  Journal of Physics: Conference Series(ICPEAC2019), 1412(2020)
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Free-bound excitation and predissociation of ytterbium dimers near the ¹S₀-¹P₁ atomic transition
  Enomoto, Katsunari; Takabatake, Ryota; Suzuki, Takehiro; Takasu, Yosuke; Takahashi, Yoshiro; Baba, Masaaki (2021-07)
  Physical Review A, 104(1)
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Schemes for nondestructive quantum gas microscopy of single atoms in an optical lattice
  Okuno, Daichi; Amano, Yoshiki; Enomoto, Katsunari; Takei, Nobuyuki; Takahashi, Yoshiro (2020-01)
  New Journal of Physics, 22
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Observation of Nonlinearity of Generalized King Plot in the Search for New Boson
  Ono, Koki; Saito, Yugo; Ishiyama, Taiki; Higomoto, Toshiya; Takano, Tetsushi; Takasu, Yosuke; Yamamoto, Yasuhiro; Tanaka, Minoru; Takahashi, Yoshiro (2022-04)
  Physical Review X, 12(2)
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Suppression and control of prethermalization in multicomponent Fermi gases following a quantum quench
  Chen-How-Huang; Takasu, Yosuke; Takahashi, Yoshiro; Cazalilla, Miguel A. (2020-05)
  Physical Review A, 101(5)
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