


検索結果表示: 1-10 / 29.
A microscopic theory for discontinuous shear thickening of frictional granular materials
  Saitoh, Kuniyasu; Hayakawa, Hisao (2017-06-30)
  EPJ Web of Conferences, 140
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Geometric pumping induced by shear flow in dilute liquid crystalline polymer solutions.
  Yabunaka, Shunsuka; Hayakawa, Hisao (2015-02-04)
  The Journal of chemical physics, 142(5)
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Minimal Model of Stochastic Athermal Systems: Origin of Non-Gaussian Noise
  Kanazawa, Kiyoshi; Sano, Tomohiko G.; Sagawa, Takahiro; Hayakawa, Hisao (2015-03-03)
  Physical Review Letters, 114(9)
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Steplike electric conduction in a classical two-dimensional electron system through a narrow constriction in a microchannel
  Araki, Moto; Hayakawa, Hisao (2012-10)
  Physical Review B, 86(16)
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Nonequilibrium identities and response theory for dissipative particles
  Hayakawa, Hisao; Otsuki, Michio (2013-09-11)
  Physical Review E, 88(3)
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Divergence of Viscosity in Jammed Granular Materials: A Theoretical Approach
  Suzuki, Koshiro; Hayakawa, Hisao (2015-08-28)
  Physical Review Letters, 115(9)
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Kinetic theory for dilute cohesive granular gases with a square well potential
  Takada, Satoshi; Saitoh, Kuniyasu; Hayakawa, Hisao (2016-07)
  Physical Review E, 94(1)
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63. Contact and Quasi-static Impact of a Dissipationless Mechanical Model(poster presentation,Soft Matter as Structured Materials)
  Kuninaka, Hiroto; Hayakawa, Hisao (2005-09-20)
  物性研究, 84(6): 983-984
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24. Simulation of granular shear flow(poster presentation,Soft Matter as Structured Materials)
  Saitoh, Kuniyasu; Hayakawa, Hisao (2005-09-20)
  物性研究, 84(6): 909-910
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The long-time tails of granular fluids(Poster session 1, New Frontiers in Colloidal Physics : A Bridge between Micro- and Macroscopic Concepts in Soft Matter)
  Hayakawa, Hisao; Otsuki, Michio (2007-10-20)
  物性研究, 89(1): 89-90
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