



検索結果表示: 1-6 / 6.
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Net-baryon number fluctuations across the chiral phase transition at finite density in strong-coupling lattice QCD
  Ichihara, Terukazu; Morita, Kenji; Ohnishi, Akira (2015-11)
  Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 2015(11)
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Higher order net baryon number cumulants in the strong coupling lattice QCD
  Ichihara, Terukazu; Ohnishi, Akira; Morita, Kenji (2016-7-15)
  Proceedings of Science, 251
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ΛΛ interaction from relativistic heavy-ion collisions
  Morita, Kenji; Furumoto, Takenori; Ohnishi, Akira (2015-02)
  Physical Review C, 91(2)
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pΞ⁻ Correlation in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions with Nucleon-Hyperon Interaction from Lattice QCD
  Hatsuda, Tetsuo; Morita, Kenji; Ohnishi, Akira; Sasaki, Kenji (2017-11)
  Nuclear Physics A, 967: 856-859
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Lambda-Lambda Correlation in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
  Morita, Kenji; Furumoto, Takenori; Ohnishi, Akira (2015-06)
  EPJ Web of Conferences, 97
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Three-baryon interaction generated by determinant interaction of quarks
  Ohnishi, Akira; Kashiwa, Kouji; Morita, Kenji (2017-07)
  Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 2017(7)
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