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Results 1-10 of 332 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
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  甲田, 直美 (1995-12)
  言語科学論集, 1: 31-45
Karyotype of a Ranid Frog, Platymantis pelewensis, from Belau, Micronesia, with Comments on Its Systematic Implications
  Pacific Science, 49(3): 296-300
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Necrophagous Scarab Beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Onthophagus) Attracted to a Diplopod Copulating Pair (Diplopoda) in Thailand
  KON, Masahiro; OCHI, Teruo; NABHITABATA, Jarujin; ARAYA, Kunio; MATSUI, Masafumi (1998-11-15)
  Elytra, 26(2): 347-349
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Passalid Beetles (Coleoptera, Passalidae) Collected from Thailand, with New Records of Ophrygonius cantori (PERCHERON) and Aceraius laevicollis (ILLIGER)
  KON, Masahiro; PANHA, Somsak; ARAYA, Kunio; MATSUI, Masafumi (1998-11-15)
  Elytra, 26(2): 350-352
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図書館だより No. 9
  図書館だより, 9: 1-8
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Hemingway's Primitivism : Notes Towards an Anthropological Reading
  Pavloska, Susanna (1991-09)
  英文学評論, 62: 73-95
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誘惑する葡萄 : The Faerie Queene 第2巻の語りと悦び
  水野, 眞理 (1993-03)
  英文学評論, 65: [1]-19
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なおもまわる水車 : ローリー作『大洋からシンシアにあてた書』注解(一)
  櫻井, 正一郎 (1997-03)
  英文学評論, 69: 1-43
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ウォレス・スティーヴンズと悪の問題 : "Esthétique du Mal" を中心として
  渡辺, 久義 (1997-03)
  英文学評論, 69: [1]-19
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  英文学評論, 68
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