


検索結果表示: 11-20 / 47.
Optimizing minimum free-energy crossing points in solution: Linear-response free energy/spin-flip density functional theory approach.
  Minezawa, Noriyuki (2014-10-28)
  The Journal of chemical physics, 141(16)
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From roaming atoms to hopping surfaces: mapping out global reaction routes in photochemistry.
  Maeda, Satoshi; Taketsugu, Tetsuya; Ohno, Koichi; Morokuma, Keiji (2015-02-23)
  Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137(10): 3433-3445
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Conical-intersection dynamics and ground-state chemistry probed by extreme-ultraviolet time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
  von Conta, A.; Tehlar, A.; Schletter, A.; Arasaki, Y.; Takatsuka, K.; Wörner, H. J. (2018-08-08)
  Nature Communications, 9
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State-specific solvation effect on the intramolecular charge transfer reaction in solution: A linear-response free energy TDDFT method
  Minezawa, Noriyuki (2014-07-21)
  Chemical Physics Letters, 608: 140-144
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An MD simulation of the decoy action of Epstein–Barr virus LMP1 protein mimicking the CD40 interaction with TRAF3
  Chung, Wilfredo Credo; Ishida, Toshimasa (2011-10)
  Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, 130(2-3): 401-410
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Palladium-catalyzed regioselective and stereo-invertive ring-opening borylation of 2-arylaziridines with bis(pinacolato)diboron: Experimental and computational studies
  Takeda, Youhei; Kuroda, Akinobu; Sameera, W. M C; Morokuma, Keiji; Minakata, Satoshi (2016-06-09)
  Chemical Science, 7: 6141-6152
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The origin of enantioselectivity for intramolecular Friedel–Crafts reaction catalyzed by supramolecular Cu/DNA catalyst complex
  Petrova, Galina P.; Ke, Zhuofeng; Park, Soyoung; Sugiyama, Hiroshi; Morokuma, Keiji (2014-04-29)
  Chemical Physics Letters, 600: 87-95
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Quantum dynamics study on predissociation of H-3 Rydberg states: Importance of indirect mechanism
  Tashiro, Motomichi; Kato, Shigeki (2002-08-01)
  JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 117(5): 2053-2062
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Vibronic coupling in cyclopentadienyl radical: A method for calculation of vibronic coupling constant and vibronic coupling density analysis
  Sato, Tohru; Tokunaga, Ken; Tanaka, Kazuyoshi (2006-01-14)
  The Journal of Chemical Physics, 124(2)
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Communications: A systematic method for locating transition structures of A+B-->X type reactions.
  Maeda, Satoshi; Morokuma, Keiji (2010-06-28)
  The Journal of chemical physics, 132(24)
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