


検索結果表示: 41-50 / 270.
A new design for generation of tunable gamma-ray with a fixed energy electron beam
  Ohgaki, Hideaki; Kii, T.; Toyokawa, H. (2009-06)
  IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 56(3): 1316-1320
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Manipulation of resonant Auger processes using a strong bichromatic field
  Chatterjee, Souvik; Nakajima, Takashi (2015-04-21)
  Physical Review A, 91(4)
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Natural convection heat transfer from horizontal rod bundles in liquid sodium. Part 1: Correlations for two parallel horizontal cylinders based on experimental and theoretical results
  Hata, Koichi; Takeuchi, Yuto; Hama, Katsuhiko; Shiotsu, Masahiro (2014-04-04)
  Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 52(2): 214-227
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Natural convection heat transfer from horizontal rod bundles in liquid sodium. Part 2: Correlations for horizontal rod bundles based on theoretical results
  Hata, Koichi; Takeuchi, Yuto; Hama, Katsuhiko; Shiotsu, Masahiro (2014-08-13)
  Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 52(3): 342-354
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Intense Bessel femtosecond pulse propagation in dispersive Kerr medium
  Song, Zhenming; Nakajima, Takashi (2011-06-29)
  Chinese Optics Letters, 9(s1)
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Effect of microwave irradiation on the electronic structure of ZnO
  Yoshida, Kyohei; Sonobe, Taro; Zen, Heishun; Hachiya, Kan; Okumura, Kensuke; Mishima, Kenta; Inukai, Motoharu; Negm, Hani; Torgasin, Konstantin; Omer, Mohamed; Kinjo, Ryota; Kii, Toshiteru; Masuda, Kai; Ohgaki, Hideaki (2015-03-14)
  Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 83: 47-51
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Binding of an RNA aptamer and a partial peptide of a prion protein: crucial importance of water entropy in molecular recognition.
  Hayashi, Tomohiko; Oshima, Hiraku; Mashima, Tsukasa; Nagata, Takashi; Katahira, Masato; Kinoshita, Masahiro (2014-05)
  Nucleic acids research, 42(11): 6861-6875
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The Effects of Rural Electrification on Quality of Life: A Southeast Asian Perspective
  Cravioto, Jordi; Ohgaki, Hideaki; Che, Hang Seng; Tan, ChiaKwang; Kobayashi, Satoru; Toe, Hla; Long, Bun; Oudaya, Eth; Rahim, Nasrudin Abd; Farzeneh, Hooman (2020-05)
  Energies, 13(10): 2410-2410
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Characterization of non-Gaussian mid-infrared free-electron laser beams by the knife-edge method
  Qin, Yu; Nakajima, Takashi; Zen, Heishun; Wang, Xiaolong; Kii, Toshiteru; Ohgaki, Hideaki (2014-09)
  Infrared Physics & Technology, 66: 146-151
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Changes in hydrophobic and hydrophilic hydration properties caused by raising the pressure or by lowering the temperature
  Kinoshita, Masahiro; Oshima, Hiraku (2014-08-28)
  Chemical Physics Letters, 610-611: 1-7
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