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タイトル: 大学教育研究の現在 : 臨床的大学教育研究の立場から
その他のタイトル: <Invited Articles of Center Staff and Research Fellows> On the Researches on University Education in Japan Today : From the standpoint of the clinical approach
著者: 田中, 毎実  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Tanaka, Tsunemi
発行日: 1-Dec-2006
出版者: 京都大学高等教育研究開発推進センター
誌名: 京都大学高等教育研究
巻: 12
開始ページ: 129
終了ページ: 151
抄録: Today, amid the increased interest of society in the educational systems of rapidly expanding universities, numerous investigations of this discipline have been carried out. Many of these investigations have been done with the macro-level, socio-political approaches based on a technological rationality, and thus utilized by technocrats to hold onto their hegemony in their continued management of the educational systems in our universities. Thus the sovereignty of the technocrats in university education has strictly been depended upon these socio-political, technological-rational investigations. To cut off the conglutination between technocrats and these technological-rational investigations, we have attempted new investigations from the micro-level, clinical, and practical-rational approaches on the daily practices in the university classes. These investigations are expected to facilitate the group awareness among educators of their own daily practices. These investigations are also expected to make it possible for educators to develop their active community tightly and consciously in cooperating with each other through this group awareness. We have examined the possibilities and the significance of these approaches in this paper.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/54175


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