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Spirit Possession Cults in a Comparative Perspective: A Modern Amhara Village and Ancient Greece(1)
  HECHT, Elisabeth-Dorothea (1996-06)
  African Study Monographs, 17(1): 1-34
Ethnic Residential Segregation in Kano, Nigeria and Its Antecedents
  ALBERT, S. Isaac Olawale (1996-10)
  African Study Monographs, 17(2): 85-100
Religion and the Crisis of National Unity in Nigeria
  NWOSU, Nereus I. (1996-10)
  African Study Monographs, 17(3): 141-152
The Importance of Frame Participation in Rehabilitating Regarded Uluguru Mountain Slopes: The Experiences from Magadu and Towero Villages in Morogoro Region, Tanzania
  RUTATORA, D. F.; MAFU, S. T. A.; LULANDALA, L. L. (1996-10)
  African Study Monographs, 17(3): 117-128
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Subsistence Hunting and Resource Management among the Ju/'Hoansi of Northwestern Botswana
  HITCHCOCK, Robert K.; YELLEN, John E.; GELBURD, Diane J.; OSBORN, Alan J.; CROWELL, Aron L. (1996-10)
  African Study Monographs, 17(4): 153-220
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Regeneration Process of the Miombo Woodland at Abandoned Citemene Fields of Northern Zambia
  OYAMA, Shuichi (1996-10)
  African Study Monographs, 17(3): 101-116
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The Origin of Egungun: A Critical Literary Appraisal
  NA'ALLAH, Abdul-Rasheed (1996-10)
  African Study Monographs, 17(2): 59-68
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The 1913 Memorial: A Study of Protest and Discord among the British Political Officers in Northern Nigeria
  APATA, Z. O. (1996-10)
  African Study Monographs, 17(3): 129-140
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Variability in the Subsistence Activities and Distribution of Food among Different Aged Males of the Aka Hunter-Gatheres in Northeastern Congo
  KITANISHI, Koichi (1996-06)
  African Study Monographs, 17(1): 35-57
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Pottery Taboos and Symbolism in Bukusu Society, Western Kenya
  NANGENDO, Stevie M. (1996-10)
  African Study Monographs, 17(2): 69-84
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