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Birds of Tanzania: A Provisional List of Bird Names in Kiswahili
  MLINGWA, Charles O. F. (1997-11)
  African Study Monographs, 18(2): 73-120
The Importance of Frame Participation in Rehabilitating Regarded Uluguru Mountain Slopes: The Experiences from Magadu and Towero Villages in Morogoro Region, Tanzania
  RUTATORA, D. F.; MAFU, S. T. A.; LULANDALA, L. L. (1996-10)
  African Study Monographs, 17(3): 117-128
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Efficacy of Leopard Tortoise (Gepchelone pardalis babcocki) Farming in Tanzania
  KABIGUMILA, Jonathan (1998-12)
  African Study Monographs, 19(4): 187-199
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Review of Sisal Production and Research in Tanzania
  KIMARO, Didas; MSANYA, Balthazar M.; TAKAMURA, Yasuo (1994-12)
  African Study Monographs, 15(4): 227-242
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Reforming Tanzania's Agricultural Extension System: The Challenges Ahead
  MATTEE, A. Z. (1994-12)
  African Study Monographs, 15(4): 177-188
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Sugarcane Production, Processing and Marketing in Tanzania
  TARIMO, Akwilin J. P.; TAKAMURA, Yasuo T. (1998-05)
  African Study Monographs, 19(1): 1-12
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The Under-Exploited Indigenous Alcoholic Beverages of Tanzania: Production,Consumption and Quality of the Undocumented "Denge
  Laswai, H. S.; Wemdelin, A. M.; Kitabatake, N.; Mosha, T. C. E. (1997-09)
  African Study Monographs, 18(1): 29-44
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The Changing Farming Environment in Tanzania: The Case of Selected Villages in Kilimanjaro
  BEE, Faustine K.; NGAILO, Legnard N.; YOSHIDA, Masao (1997-11)
  African Study Monographs, 18(2): 59-71
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Agricultural Marketing Reforms and Privatization in Tanzania
  NINDI, Benson C. (1990-03)
  African Study Monographs, 10(4): 197-226