



検索結果表示: 1-8 / 8.
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Effects of drying conditions on moisture distribution in rehydrated spaghetti.
  Ogawa, Takenobu; Adachi, Shuji (2014-06-23)
  Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry, 78(8): 1412-1414
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Water Sorption Kinetics of Wheat Noodle with Different Diameters
  Roppongi, Takao; Ogawa, Takenobu; Adachi, Shuji (2014-05)
  Food Science and Technology Research, 20(2): 241-246
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Kinetics of Oxidation of Different Depths of Methyl Linoleate in Bulk Phase
  Ma, Tiezheng; Kobayashi, Takashi; Adachi, Shuji (2014-05)
  Food Science and Technology Research, 20(2): 183-187
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Lipase-Catalyzed Esterification of Triterpene Alcohols and Phytosterols with Oleic Acid
  Kobayashi, Takashi; Ogino, Akane; Miyake, Yasuhito; Mori, Hajime; Hosoda, Asao; Fujita, Muneki; Tsuno, Takuo; Adachi, Shuji (2014-08-24)
  Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 91(11): 1885-1890
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Subcritical Water Treatment for Producing Seasoning From Semidried Isada Krill
  Koomyart, Intira; Nagamizu, Hironori; Khuwijitjaru, Pramote; Kobayashi, Takashi; Shiga, Hirokazu; Yoshii, Hidefumi; Adachi, Shuji (2014-09-03)
  Journal of Food Process Engineering, 37(6): 567-574
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Effects of various emulsification methods on the oxidation of methyl linoleate.
  Ma, Tiezheng; Kobayashi, Takashi; Adachi, Shuji (2014-04-14)
  Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry, 78(1): 147-150
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Effects of repeated treatment on the properties of rice stem extract using subcritical water, ethanol, and their mixture
  Tangkhavanich, Boonnakhom; Kobayashi, Takashi; Adachi, Shuji (2014-07-25)
  Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20(4): 2610-2614
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Thermal analysis of drying process of durum wheat dough under the programmed temperature-rising conditions
  Ogawa, Takenobu; Koizumi, Satoshi; Adachi, Shuji (2014-01)
  Food and Bioproducts Processing, 92(1): 9-13
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