


検索結果表示: 61-70 / 109.
Novel behavioral tasks to explore cerebellar temporal processing in milliseconds in rats.
  Yamaguchi, Kenji; Sakurai, Yoshio (2014-04-15)
  Behavioural brain research, 263: 138-143
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Volitional enhancement of firing synchrony and oscillation by neuronal operant conditioning: interaction with neurorehabilitation and brain-machine interface.
  Sakurai, Yoshio; Song, Kichan; Tachibana, Shota; Takahashi, Susumu (2014-02)
  Frontiers in systems neuroscience, 8
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Diverse synchrony of firing reflects diverse cell-assembly coding in the prefrontal cortex.
  Sakurai, Yoshio; Nakazono, Tomoaki; Ishino, Seiya; Terada, Satoshi; Yamaguchi, Kenji; Takahashi, Susumu (2013-12)
  Journal of physiology, Paris, 107(6): 459-470
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Sensitivity to linguistic register in 20-month-olds: Understanding the register-listener relationship and its abstract rules
  Ikeda, Ayaka; Kobayashi, Tessei; Itakura, Shoji (2018-04-09)
  PLOS ONE, 13(4)
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Helmholtz illusion makes you look fit only when you are already fit, but not for everyone
  Ashida, Hiroshi; Kuraguchi, Kana; Miyoshi, Kiyofumi (2013-07-10)
  i-Perception, 4(5): 347-351
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顔魅力の効果と諸要因について : かわいいと美しいを中心に <解説>
  蘆田, 宏; 藏口, 佳奈 (2013-04)
  VISION, 25(2): 95-99
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The neural basis of individual differences in mate poaching
  Ueda, Ryuhei; Ashida, Hiroshi; Yanagisawa, Kuniaki; Abe, Nobuhito (2017-07-04)
  Social Neuroscience, 12(4): 391-399
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Motion influences the perception of background lightness
  Ashida, Hiroshi; Scott-Samuel, Nicholas E. (2014-01-13)
  i-Perception, 5(1): 41-49
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幸福感に対する社会生態学的アプローチ (特集 幸福感と文化)
  竹村, 幸祐; 佐藤, 剛介 (2012-06)
  心理学評論, 55(1): 47-63
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  伊勢田, 哲治 (2013)
  Nagoya Journal of Philosophy, 10: 4-24
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